Sunday, August 28, 2011


Ready or not, the school year began. Two weeks in, our classroom bulletin boards still await creativity and inspiration, though there are some bold colors to break up the monotonous back wall. Just as I was about to go searching the internet for thought-provoking, maybe famous quotes to support our current theme of identity, and take up some space on the bare bulletin boards, the students provided illumination of their own.

In class this week, we read and discussed Janell Cannon's book, Verdi. The snake with a lot of heart and a challenging identity crisis made for some rich classroom discussion about literary elements, summary writing, snakes, age, and the concept of identity. When asked to write about the book's theme, and connections to middle school life, my students articulated awareness and empathy of which their families, friends, and teachers should be very proud. 

So much for searching the internet. Soon, more than two dozen, student-generated, insightful quotes about identity will adorn our purple bulletin boards instead. As a teacher, I am proud and I am humbled.